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Our association aims to help women in difficultyto help them claim their rights,especially in places of deprivation of liberty.

The problem of hygienic conditions is the first an most urgent action

that we are keen to carry out in prisons.

Recent observations by the French section of the International Prisons Organization reveal real shortcomings as regards the hygienic conditions of the prisoners, particularly their menstrual hygiene : the non-existence or non-respect of the renewal of the hygiene kits and menstrual protection, the availability of which is a legal obligation, plunges these women into an alarming situation. Sometimes forced to make menstrual cups of fortune, they are subject to a multitude of infections, diseases and gradually lose the esteem and self-esteem necessary for every individual, and indispensable for their reintegration.

That is why, in order to support women in the effective exercise of their right to dignity, our association's first mission is to raise funds and set up partnerships, in order to provide them with free periodic protection and renewed.

is independent of any political party, any union and any religious denomination.